My Motto: Challenge Accepted

Life has thrown­­­—and continues to lob­­­—so many curveballs, I’m considering buying a catcher’s mitt. Ya’ll know what I’m saying, yes? I can definitely relate, which is why my motto is…

‘Challenge Accepted”

I spend my days and evenings as both a software product manager for a major transportation logistics company, and an author (for myself 😁), and in both careers, I spend my time interviewing people, collaborating to solve problems, crafting requirements, planning roadmaps, blogging, and writing, or telling, stories.

My roles above lend me the creativeness & ability—and my empathy & compassion the desire—to create this website where I’ll share my fitness journey, job tips & tricks, and just generally try to help folks out. To attempt to keep spirits up. And maybe just bring one small smile to your face, or feeling of warmth to your heart or soul.

I invite you to roam around my virtual world, check out Back to Fitness, Job Tips and Journal. I’m all about lifting folks up, not tearing them down, and although the world right now is in chaos, it can also be amazing.

Drop me a line if you so desire, or just take advantage of the Job info, or join me on my road back to being strong and fit and head on over to Back to Fitness!



Take one step after another, crawl another inch, one breath after anotherwhatever the hell it takes to keep going.

~ Frani