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From Fit to Injured—I’m on my way back to Fit, baby!

  • Before the injuries...

    It takes dedication and perseverance to achieve certain levels of fitness and strength. Prior to my injuries in early 2019, I kicked ass and took names lifting weights through headaches and illnesses. That went by the wayside off and on, but I did LOVE having these strong guns!

  • Energy abounded ...

    I had plenty of energy, gadded about hiking, lifting weights, visiting friends, and causing friendly mischief. This was August 2018…

  • Loved being strong!

    Not bad for my sixtieth, eh? Had a change of hair color, which has since gone back to my natural silver tinsel locks. But then, in January 2019 ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Falling changed it all

Sightseeing in beautiful Lviv, Ukraine in January 2019 was my downfall­­­—literally. I slipped on an icy patch and fell on my ass. Well, technically, my tailbone, which ricocheted up my spine and damaged my previously injured cervical spine (from when I was nineteen). The fall also damaged my left knee, and then I dislocated the right knee a few weeks after my return and it all when to shite.

Wasn’t in the gym as often, had daily occipital neuralgia migraine-like headaches—and then COVID swept in. All my energy and time was spent being the best Product Manager and Author I could be. No more gym time. Holy shit, gained seventy pounds.

But … hold the presses!! I had cervical spinal fusion surgery performed by an amazing doctor in December 2021. Wore a neck brace for 125 days—24/7 x 125 no lie—and slowly started getting back to it. The daily occipital neuralgia headaches are pretty much a thing of the past, energy is back, and I’m getting back in the saddle, uh, I mean back wielding the weights. I’ve been kicking ass again, and between mid-December 2022 and September 2023, I’ve dropped sixty pounds! Woo hoo, baby! I’m feeling stronger. Have scads of energy again­­­—and am inviting you to join me while I continue my journey ‘Back to Fitness’! Who knows? Maybe you’re on your own journey back to fitness?