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Dream Job

My dream job would be as a full-time author, however until I realize that dream, I’m finding fulfillment as a Software Product Manager where I utilize similar skills­­­—problem solving, collaborating, negotiating, diplomatically telling folks no, research and investigation, which includes talking to folks in the fields I’m interested in, plotting, which is very similar to road-mapping and planning, and last but certainly not least, writing stories.

I would love to work at a company similar to the non-profit I worked at years ago, where they had a human-centered approach to their teams and the folks they were helping. It was a family, and I’d found a home to settle into. It didn’t last, but I won’t stop looking for another ‘work'-home’ to slip into, where there’s respect, happiness, fun, and fulfillment knowing you’re making a difference in the lives of your teammates and customers.

If you’re not in your dream job, or it seems out of reach, don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Map out your journey, your career, and then get started. Who knows? You might get there before you know it.

Coming soon …