Embrace your quirks. Love your differences. Quell those negative voices.

Embrace your truth!!


Why Shadow Maiden? I’ve had Lupus for over 20 years, and because of this I need to stay out of UV light. To become vampiric, or a Shadow Maiden, if you will. It’s my way of turning lemons into lemon meringue pie, or a Lemon Drop drink, or… Well, you get the drift. I’m gonna have fun with it, even if I don’t get the sexy vampire guy along with it.

Why this website? Well, in a world gone crazy, I hope this little virtual corner of the world will bring you calm, contemplation, fitness encouragement, ideas through my journal, some job tips, tricks & helpful links, as well as a laugh or two. You’ll find everything from recipes for all things chocolate goodness, to tips and info on how to find your next job. You can join me on my road back to strength and fitness, and learn about places around the world to plan an adventure or two­­­—whether virtually or IRL.

In my virtual land, we embrace diversity and one’s desire to be unique, to not only dance to your beat, but to own it. Don’t water yourself down to conform to someone else’s idea of you.

I know, we conform to rules at work, to laws and to certain societal conventions­­­—but still….. that doesn’t mean you can’t embrace your soul, who you really are, and give that person permission to just be.

Long before the ‘bohemian style’ became vogue, the original bohemian’s were travelers or refugees from central Europe. They embodied the concept of living and dressing in whatever style they wanted, and frequently traveled from place to pace in wagons. They were the true ‘bohemiens’. They bucked convention without even thinking, or caring, about it.

We can all learn a lesson, ‘take a page from their book’—from these intrepid travelers. Welcome to my corner of the world, where bohemianism is still a way of life, even if we must occasionally (or frequently, damnit) don different cloaks—albeit hopefully temporary—out in the world.

“I’ll not let the madness inflicting the world diminish my light or quirks.”

~ Frani

Yoga, an excellent book, or a primal scream will keep me sane today.

~ Frani